
Prakrita-rasa-shata-dushani (Part 4)

Śrīla Bhakti Siddhānta Saraswatī Ṭhākur’s definitive treatise.


One Hundred Refutations of Mundane Rasa

Part Four

বৈধভক্তজনে কভু রাগানুগ জানে না
কোমলশ্রদ্ধকে কভু রসিক ত জানে না ॥৬১॥

vaidha-bhakta-jane kabhu rāgānuga jāne nā
komala-śraddhake kabhu rasika ta jāne nā [61]

[A follower of Śrī Rūpa] kabhu jāne nā–never thinks vaidha–regulated bhakta-jane–devotees [are] rāgānuga–rāgānuga-bhaktas. ta–Indeed, [a follower of Śrī Rūpa] kabhu jāne nā–never thinks [those] komala–with soft śraddhake–faith [are] rasika–relishers of rasa. [61]

A follower of Śrī Rūpa never thinks vaidha-bhaktas are rāgānuga-bhaktas. A follower of Śrī Rūpa never thinks those with soft faith are rasikas.

স্বল্পশ্রদ্ধজনে কভু জাতরতি মানে না
স্বল্পশ্রদ্ধজনে রস উপদেশ করে না ॥৬২॥

svalpa-śraddha-jane kabhu jāta-rati māne nā
svalpa-śraddha-jane rasa upadeśa kare nā [62]

[A follower of Śrī Rūpa] kabhu māne nā–never thinks jane–persons svalpa–with little śraddha–faith [have] jāta–developed rati–rati, [and]] upadeśa kare nā–does not instruct jane–persons svalpa–with little śraddha–faith rasa–about rasa. [62]

A follower of Śrī Rūpa never thinks those who have little faith have developed rati and does not instruct those who have little faith about rasa.

জাতরতি প্রৌঢশ্রদ্ধসঙ্গ ত্যাগ করে না
কোমলশ্রদ্ধেরে কভু রস দিয়া সেবে না ॥৬৩॥

jāta-rati prauḍha-śraddha-saṅga tyāga kare nā
komala-śraddhere kabhu rasa diyā seve nā [63]

jāta–One who has developed rati–rati tyāga kare nā–does not give up saṅga–the association [of persons with] prauḍha–strong śraddha–faith [and] kabhu diyā nā–never gives rasa–rasa [to or] seve–serves [those who have] komala–soft śraddhere–faith. [63]

One who has developed rati does not give up the association of those who have strong faith and never gives rasa to or serves those who have soft faith.

কৃষ্ণের সেবন লাগি’ জড়রসে মিশে না
রসোদয়ে কোন জীবে শিষ্যবুদ্ধি করে না ॥৬৪॥

kṛṣṇera sevana lāgi’ jaḍa-rase miśe nā
rasodaye kona jīve śiṣya-buddhi kare nā [64]

[One who has developed rati] miśe nā–does not engage in jaḍa–material rase–pleasures lāgi’–for the sake kṛṣṇera–of Kṛṣṇa’s sevana–service, [and] udaye–after the arising rasa–of rasa [wthin them], buddhi kare nā–they do not consider kona–any jīve–soul [to be] śiṣya–a disciple. [64]

One who has developed rati does no engage in material pleasures for the sake of Kṛṣṇa’s service, and once rasa has arisen within them, they do not consider any soul to be a disciple.

রসিক‑ভকতরাজ কভু শিষ্য করে না
রসিকজনের শিষ্য এই ভাব ছাড়ে না ॥৬৫॥

rasika-bhakata-rāja kabhu śiṣya kare nā
rasika-janera śiṣya ei bhāva chhāḍe nā [65]

rāja–The best bhakata–of the devotees [who are] rasika–relishers of rasa kabhu kare nā–never make śiṣya–disciples, [and] chhāḍe nā–they do not give up ei–the bhāva–attitude [of being] śiṣya–the disciple janera–of a person [who is] rasika–a relisher of rasa. [65]

The best rasika-bhaktas never make disciples and do not give up the mentality that they are the disciple of a rasika-bhakta.

সাধন ছাড়িলে ভাব উদয় ত হয় না
রাগানুগ জানিলেই সাধন ত ছাড়ে না ॥৬৬॥

sādhana chhāḍile bhāva udaya ta haya nā
rāgānuga jānilei sādhana ta chhāḍe nā [66]

chhāḍile–If one gives up sādhana–the practice, bhāva–bhāva ta–indeed udaya haya nā–does not arise, [and] jānilei–even if one knows rāgānuga–a rāgānuga-bhakta, ta–indeed chhāḍe nā–one does not give up [one’s] sādhana–practice. [66]

If one gives up sādhana, bhāva does not arise, and even if one knowns a rāgānuga-bhakta, one does not give up one’s sādhana.

ভাব না হইলে কভু রসোদয় হয় না
আগে রসোদয় পরে রত্যুদয় হয় না ॥৬৭॥

bhāva nā ha-ile kabhu rasodaya haya nā
āge rasodaya pare ratyudaya haya nā [67]

[If] bhāva–bhāva ha-ile nā–has not arisen, [then] rasa–rasa kabhu udaya haya nā–will never arise. haya nā–It is not [that] āge–first rasa–rasa udaya–arises [and] pare–then rati–rati udaya–arises. [67]

If bhāva has not arisen, then rasa will never arise. It is not that rasa arises first and then rati arises.

আগে রত্যুদয় পরে শ্রদ্ধোদয় হয় না
রসাভিষ্ট লভি’ পরে সাধন ত হয় না ॥৬৮॥

āge ratyudaya pare śraddhodaya haya nā
rasābhiṣṭa labhi’ pare sādhana ta haya nā [68]

haya nā–It is not [that] āge–first rati–rati udaya–arises [and] pare–then śraddhā–faith udaya–arises. ta–Indeed haya nā–it is not [that] labhi’–one attains [one’s] abhiṣṭa–desired rasa–rasa [and] pare–then [takes up] sādhana–the practice. [68]

It is not that rati arises first and then śraddhā arises. It is not that one attains one’s desired rasa and then takes up sādhana.

সামগ্রীর অমিলনে স্থায়ীভাব হয় না
স্থায়ীভাব‑ব্যতিরেকে রসে স্থিতি হয় না ॥৬৯॥

sāmagrīra amilane sthāyī-bhāva haya nā
sthāyī-bhāva-vyatireke rase sthiti haya nā [69]

amilane–Without the gathering sāmagrīra–of ingredients, [one’s] sthāyī-bhāva–foundational bhāva haya nā–does not arise. vyatireke–In the absence [of one’s] sthāyī-bhāva–foundational bhāva, sthiti haya nā–one does not become immersed rase–in rasa. [69]

Without bringing together the necessary ingredients, sthāyī-bhāva does not arise. In the absence of sthāyī-bhāva, one does not become immersed in rasa.

ভোগে মন জড়ে শ্রদ্ধা চিৎ প্রকাশ করে না
নামে শ্রদ্ধা না হইলে জড়বুদ্ধি ছাড়ে না ॥৭০॥

bhoge mana jaḍe śraddhā chit prakāśa kare nā
nāme śraddhā nā ha-ile jaḍa-buddhi chhāḍe nā [70]

mana–A mind [immersed] bhoge–in enjoyment [and] śraddhā–faith jaḍe–in the mundane prakāśa are nā–do not manifest chit–spirit. ha-ile nā–If one does not develop śraddhā–faith nāme–in the Name, chhāḍe nā–one will not give up [one’s] jaḍa–mundane buddhi–mentality. [70]

A mind immersed in enjoyment and faith in the mundane do not manifest spirit. If one does not develop faith in the Name, one will not give up one’s mundane mentality.

জড়বুদ্ধি না ছাড়িলে নাম কৃপা করে না
নাম কৃপা না করিলে লীলা শুনা য়ায় না ॥৭১॥

jaḍa-buddhi nā chhāḍile nāma kṛpā kare nā
nāma kṛpā nā karile līlā śunā yāya nā [71]

chhāḍile nā–If one does not give up [one’s] jaḍa–mundane buddhi–mentality, nāma–the Name kṛpā kare nā–does not bless [them, and if] nāma–the Name kṛpā nā karile–does not bless [them, the Lord’s] līlā–Pastimes śunā yāya nā–cannot be heard. [71]

If one does not give up one’s mundane mentality, the Name does not bless them, and if the Name does not bless them, the Lord’s Pastimes cannot be heard.

নামকে জানিলে জড় কাম দূর হয় না
রূপকে মানিলে জড় কাম দূর হয় না ॥৭২॥

nāmake jānile jaḍa kāma dūra haya nā
rūpake mānile jaḍa kāma dūra haya nā [72]

jānile–If one thinks nāmake–the Name [is] jaḍa–mudane, kāma–material desires dūra hay nā–do not go away. mānile–If one considers [the Lord’s] rūpake–form jaḍa–mundane, kāma–material desires dūra hay nā–do not go away. [72]

If one thinks the Name is mundane, material desires do not go away. If one considers the Lord’s form mundane, material desires do not go away.

গুণকে বুঝিলে জড় কাম দূর হয় না
লীলাকে পূরিলে জড়ে কাম দূর হয় না ॥৭৩॥

guṇake bujhile jaḍa kāma dūra haya nā
līlāke pūrile jaḍe kāma dūra haya nā [73]

bujhile–If one considers [the Lord’s] guṇake–qualities jaḍa–mundane, kāma–material desires dūra hay nā–do not go away. pūrile–If one fills [the Lord’s] līlāke–Pastimes jaḍe–with the mundane, kāma–material desires dūra hay nā–do not go away.[73]

If one considers the Lord’s qualities mundane, material desires do not go away. If one fills the Lord’s Pastimes with the mundane, material desires do not go away.

নামে জড়‑ব্যবধানে রূপোদয় হয় না
নামে জড়‑ব্যবধানে গুণোদয় হয় না
জড়ভোগ‑ব্যবধানে লীলোদয় হয় না ॥৭৪॥

nāme jaḍa-vyavadhāne rūpodaya haya nā
nāme jaḍa-vyavadhāne guṇodaya haya nā
jaḍa-bhoga-vyavadhāne līlodaya haya nā [74]

[The Lord’s] rūpa–form udaya haya nā–does not manifest nāme–through the Name [when one is] vyavadhāne–under the cover jaḍa–of the mundane. [The Lord’s] guṇa–qualities udaya haya nā–do not manifest nāme–through the Name [when one is] vyavadhāne–under the cover jaḍa–of the mundane. [The Lord’s] līlā–Pastimes udaya haya nā–do not manifest [when one is] vyavadhāne–under the cover jaḍa–of material. bhoga–enjoyment. [74]

The Lord’s form does not manifest through the Name when one is covered over by the mundane, the Lord’s qualities do not manifest through the Name when one is covered over by the mundane, and the Lord’s Pastimes do not manifest when one is covered over by material enjoyment.

অপরাধ‑ব্যবধানে রসলাভ হয় না
অপরাধ‑ব্যবধানে নাম কভু হয় না ॥৭৫॥

aparādha-vyavadhāne rasa-lābha haya nā
aparādha-vyavadhāne nāma kabhu haya nā [75]

rasa–Rasa lābha haya nā–is not attained [when one is] vyavadhāne–under the cover aparādha–of offence. nāma–The Name kabhu haya nā–never manifests [when one is] vyavadhāne–under the cover aparādha–of offence. [75]

Rasa is not attained when one is covered over by offences. The Name never manifests when one is covered over offences.

ব্যবহিত লীলাগানে কাম দূর হয় না
অপরাধ‑ব্যবধানে সিদ্ধদেহ পায় না ॥৭৬॥

vyavahita līlā-gāne kāma dūra haya nā
aparādha-vyavadhāne siddha-deha pāya nā [76]

[When one is] vyavahita–covered over, kāma–material desires dūra haya nā–do not go away gāne–through songs [about the Lord’s] līlā–Pastimes. [When one is] vyavadhāne–under the cover aparādha–of offences, pāya nā–one does not attain [one’s] siddha–spiritual deha–form. [76]

When one is covered over, material desires do not go away through songs about the Lord Pastimes. When one is covered over by offences, one does not attain one’s spiritual form.

সেবোপকরণ কর্ণে না শুনিলে হয় না
জড়োপকরণ দেহে লীলা শোনা য়ায় না ॥৭৭॥

sevopakaraṇa karṇe nā śunile haya nā
jaḍopakaraṇa dehe līlā śonā yāya nā [77]

śunile nā–If one does not listen karṇe–with an ear [that is] upakaraṇa–an instrument sevā–for service, haya nā–one attains nothing. [The Lord’s] līlā–Pastimes śonā yāya nā–cannot be heard dehe–with a body [that is an] upakaraṇa–instrument jaḍa–for the mundane. [77]

If one does not listen with an ear that is an instrument for service, one attains nothing. The Lord’s Pastimes cannot be heard with a body that is an instrument for the mundane.

সেবায় উন্মুখ হলে জড়কথা হয় না
নতুবা চিন্ময়কথা কভু শ্রুত হয় না ॥৭৮॥

sevāya unmukha hale jaḍa-kathā haya nā
natuvā chinmaya-kathā kabhu śruta haya nā [78]

hale–If one is unmukha–inclined sevāya–towards service, haya nā–there is no jaḍa–mundane kathā–discussion. [If one is inclined] natuvā–otherwise, chinmaya–spiritual kathā–discussion kabhu śruta haya nā–is never heard. [78]

If one is inclined towards service, one does not engage in mundane discussion. If one is inclined otherwise, one never listens to spiritual discussion.



abhidheya: the means to the end; the practice of devotion, and mainly, the stage of sādhana-bhakti.

anarthas: misconceptions, desires for the mundane, offences, and weaknesses of heart.

anartha-nivṛtti: the gradual cessation of anarthas and development of niṣṭhā.

aprākṛta: lit. ‘not mundane’; supramundane, divine, spiritual; something part of, or related to, the highest plane of spiritual existence, the land of Lord Kṛṣṇa’s Pastimes, which at times resembles the mundane world but is nevertheless ‘not mundane’.

aparādha: offence; an action that is contrary to the rules, principles, or mood of devotion to the Lord; an action that displeases the Lord; substandard worship.

āsakti: attachment; natural ruchi for the Lord and His service.

bhajana-kriyā: engaging in practices of devotion, such as hearing, chanting, and serving, according to the instructions of Śrī Guru and the sādhus.

bhakti: service to the Supreme Lord rendered solelym unconditionally, and constantly for His pleasure.

bhāva (bhāva-bhakti): devotion composed of the Lord’s spiritual energy (the samvit- and hlādinī-śaktis) that resembles a ray of the sun of prema-bhakti and melts the heart with ruchi; the second of the three stages of bhakti, following sādhana-bhakti and preceding prema-bhakti.

guru: lit. ‘heavy’; master, teacher; one who dispels darkness; the form the Supreme Lord assumes to distribute divine knowledge.

krama-patha: the gradual path; the path given by Śrīla Rūpa Goswāmī in Śrī Bhakti-rasāmṛta-sindhu (Pūrva-vibhāga, 4.15–6) for the development of prema-bhakti which contains nine general stages: śraddhā, sādhu-saṅga, bhajana-kriyā, anartha-nivṛtti, niṣṭhā, ruchi, āsakti, bhāva, and finally prema. Krama-patha also in some cases refers to the gradual process by which the Lord reveals Himself sequentially as His nāma, rūpa, guṇa, and then līlā—His Name, then His form, then His qualities, and finally His Pastimes.

nāma: lit. ‘name’; the Name of the Supreme Lord; the personal form of the Lord as His Name, nondifferent from the Lord Himself.

niṣṭhā: constant engagement in the service of the Lord free from anarthas.

prakṛti: material energy.

prākṛta: material, made of or based on material energy.

prayojan: the goal; the highest attainment: Śrī Kṛṣṇa-prema.

prema (prema-bhakti): divine love; extremely intense bhāva that completely melts the heart and produces intense feelings of loving possessiveness for the Lord.

rāga: intense natural immersion in the object of one’s desire, one’s worshippable master.

rāgānuga: a practitioner of rāgānugā-bhakti.

rāgānugā (rāgānugā-bhakti): devotion that follows the devotion of the residents of Vraja, whose devotion is based purely on rāga.

rasa: the inconceivable, wonderful taste within service to the Lord found in the hearts of pure devotees; rati (sthāyī-bhāva) brought into the heart by hearing, chanting, and other practices of devotion and nourished by vibhāvas, anubhāvas, sāttvika-bhāvas, and vyabhichārī-bhāvas.

rasika: a devotee in the stage of bhāva-bhakti or prema-bhakti who has genuine experience of rasa.

rati: a synonym for bhāva and sthāyī-bhāva.

ruchi: genuine taste for the Lord and His service that arises on the basis of niṣṭhā.

Rūpa (Śrī): Śrīla Rūpa Goswāmī, the author Śrī Bhakti-rasāmṛta-sindhu and the foremost authority on the science of rasa.

sādhaka: practitioner, esp. one engaged in the practice of sādhana-bhakti.

sādhana (sādhana-bhakti): engagement of the senses in devotional practices aimed at uncovering the eternal nature of the soul; the first of the three stages of bhakti, followed by bhāva-bhakti and prema-bhakti. (Brs: 1.2.2)

sādhu: one who is adherent to truth, that is, devoted to the Lord and His service.

sādhu-saṅga: association with and service to sādhus; taking shelter at the feet of Śrī Guru and being initiated and trained by Śrī Guru in service to the Lord and all that is dear to Him.

sahajiyāism: imitationism; imitating the behaviour of those who have rati and taste rasa and/or wrongly believing that one has rati and tastes rasa when in fact one does not.

sambandha-jñān: knowledge of the Supreme Lord, His energies, and their relationships; the foundation of the practice of devotion.

siddhānta: proper conclusions and conceptions; the essence of the teachings of the sādhus and scriptures.

śiṣya: a disciple, one who accepts discipline.

śraddhā: faith in revealed truth produced by association with sādhus; faith that by serving Kṛṣṇa all duties and desires are fulfilled.

sthāyī-bhāva: foundational rati for Kṛṣṇa, which has any one of five primary forms: śānta, dāsya, sakhya, vātsalya, and madhura [adoration, servitude, friendship, affectionate guardianship, and paramour love].

vaidhī: based on the regulations of the scriptures.

vaidhī-bhakti: sādhana-bhakti based on the regulations of the scriptures (rather than on rāga).

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